Tucson school gets national recognition for anti-bullying efforts

A preparatory school in Tucson gets praised for its efforts against bullying. St. Gregory College Preparatory School is one of just 77 schools nationwide that received the 2011-2012 “Model Mix it Up Award.”

This award is given to schools that are working towards fostering unity, civility, respect and understanding in their school communities.The school won the award with the help of a student organization formed this year called the Peace Ambassadors.

The best thing we can do is add more positivity to our school,” says 7th Grade Student Margo Cramer says. Margo is one of 11 Peace Ambassadors at her school. When asked why she decided to join, she said she knows kids can be mean sometimes. “It feels horrible and I’d rather not have other people, like my friends, feel down about that.”
Throughout the school year the Peace Ambassadors participated in different activities to promote new friendships. Among the activities was a Mix It up Lunch, where students had the chance to work together with peers they didn’t know well.

We know that in a school environment students do better when they feel safe and there’s a sense of well-being and that’s part of our goal here,” St. Gregory Counselor Kim Peace-Steimer says.
If you’d like to learn how to initiate a Peace Ambassador program at your school, you can contact Kim Peace-Steimer at ksteimer@stgregoryschool.org

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Source: KVOA.com

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